The Library Bulletin


Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts

Mon Mar 03 2025

The 5 cases podcast presented by Caitlin Akthar of Forbes Chambers, Sophie Anderson of Commercial Bank Chambers and Paul Coady of Public Defenders Chambers - Episode 16 : Sophie and Caitlin discuss coercive control, extending AVOs in order to revoke them, the Liberato direction and the assessment of objective seriousness on sentence in the following cases : Pickford & Pickford [2024] FedCFamC1A 249, Elahmad v R [2024] NSWCCA 250, Commissioner of NSW Police v Murphy [2024] NSWCA 311, Evans v R; Evans v R [2024] NSWCCA 245, JL v R [2024] NSWCCA 246, see older episodes here

'Best' interests by M. Scott Donald on SSRN

Deepfakes can ruin lives and livelihoods – would owning the 'rights' to our own faces and voices help? by Graeme Austin and Jane C Ginsburg on The Conversation

Dynamic competition and digital platforms by Darcy W. E. Allen, Dirk Auer, Chris Berg, Aaron M. Lane, Geoffrey A. Manne, Jason Potts and Lazar Radic on SSRN

Law Report (ABC) for 25 February presented by Damien Carrick - Do expanded federal surveillance laws go too far? And report warns private practitioners abandoning Legal Aid work

Peaks and pitfalls, Chief Justice Mortimer at South Australian Bar Association

SkyKick in the UKSC : is the sky a limit at all? by Dr Stuart Baran, CIPIL Evening Seminar

The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - Proactive Policing : The Wigs Interview Journalist Paul Farrell

You do not have to say anything presented by Joanna Hardy Susskind on BBC Sounds

Library Management Systems

Mon Mar 03 2025

After months of preparation the Bar Library has switched service providers for its Library and Research Management Systems. Members will notice slightly different functionalities and resource locations on the Bar Library website and catalogue. We are hopeful that the process will go smoothly but do anticipate some transitionary hurdles and we ask that you please bear with us should any technical difficulties arise. The end result should be improved service for all but should you experience anything out of the ordinary please let us know at

We will also be available to demonstrate the new website for members and Chambers staff when visiting the Library or by appointment – again contact us at but please be aware that initial demand may be high and there may be a waiting period for appointments.

For all other reference and research requests please continue to use