Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Forseeability and breach of duty under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) by Malcolm Scott of Greenway Chambers - considers the issue in relation to the decisions in Orr v Hunter Quarries Pty Limited [2019] NSWDC 634 and Stephen James Orr v Cobar Management Pty Ltd [2019] NSWDC 224
In Seclusion - listen to the bite-sized podcast miniseries from Greg Lambert about how the legal industry is adapting to working from home
Law Report (ABC) for 31 March presented by Damien Carrick - Criminal and civil courts in the age of COVID-19
When the court's approval of a settlement of a claim is challenged : decision of the NSW Court of Appeal in Robinson v Robinson [2020] NSWCA 4 by Michael Henley and Christine McPhillips of HWL Ebsworth - considers Robinson v Robinson [2020] NSWCA 4