Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Costs in work health and safety matters before the District court of NSW by Ingmar Taylor SC of Greenway Chambers - examines costs in NSWDC WHS matters
The interpretation of written contracts by James Edelman, presented as part of the Mr Justice Russell Brown Law Lecture Series at the University of Alberta
Jurisprudence course by Scott Shapiro as part of his Legality podcast
Law Report (ABC) for 7 April presented by Damien Carrick - George Pell freed from prison following High Court decision
NSW Modern Slavery Act is back on the agenda – inquiry recommends the NSW Act comes into effect by Brendan Coady, Sonia Sharma, Emily Lau and Varshini Rajendran of Maddocks - the Standing Committee on Social Issues presented its final report on the NSW Modern Slavery Act to Parliament on 25 March 2020, putting the Act back on the agenda
A troika of major issues : damages, appeals and jurisdictional error by Sydney Jacobs of 13 Wentworth Chambers - considers damages, appeals and jurisdictional error in relation to construction law