Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Acting in 'good faith' – what does it really mean? by Andrew Statham of Holding Redlich - examines the concept of 'good faith'
Australia considers over-the-counter CBD : a snapshot of the new proposal by Greg Bodulovic, Stephanie Wang and Alexandra Moore of DLA Piper - the Therapeutic Goods Administration is proposing to reclassify low dose cannabidiol (CBD) preparations from Prescription Only Medicine to Pharmacist Only Medicine
Don't be court out : the basics of court etiquette presented by The Hon T F Bathurst AC at the Toongabbie Legal Centre Seminar
The EPBC Act musical – a tale in two parts by Anna Vella and Aaron Beale of King and Wood Mallesons - considers the review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)
Law Report (ABC) for 12 May presented by Damien Carrick - Covid-19 public health rules and the police
Managing employees with mental disabilities – an important reminder for employers by Louise Rumble and Georgie Richardson of Holding Redlich - considers Batista v Wells Fargo International Finance (Australia) Pty Ltd (No.2) [2020] FCCA 829
Technology and the law - presented by Lord Hodge at the Dover House Lecture, London