Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Law in Action (BBC) from 26 May presented by Joshua Rozenberg - Deferred Prosecution Agreements : pragmatic but unprincipled?
Law Report (ABC) for 26 May presented by Damien Carrick - Two coronial inquests make findings about unconscious racism
Law Talking from Greenway Chambers - Episode 1 - Frank Hicks, Ian Roberts and Declan Byrne discuss three recent decisions
Panic stations? Responding to investigative notices in the wake of Smethurst v Commissioner of Police by Shaun Temby and Natalie Wendon of Maddocks - considers Smethurst v Commissioner of Police [2020] HCA 14
Raising the Bar Episode 15, 18 May 2020 from Gray's Inn - Professor Mark Engelman talks about his route to the Bar
A "reprehensible" response to reinstate an employee and restore lost pay by Jackie Hamilton of Holding Redlich - considers Puszka v Ryan Wilks Pty Ltd T/A Ryan Wilks [2020] FWC 1067
Schemes of arrangement : flexibility of the court to make order after the second court approval hearing to revive a Terminated Conditional Scheme by Amelia Kelly and Mabel Wong of DLA Piper - considers In the matter of Wollongong Coal Limited and In the matter of Jindal Steel & Power (Australia) Pty Ltd [2020] NSWSC 614
William and Lonsdale Podcast, Episode 4 - Daniel Ajak