Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Dating – the language of the law by Michael G J Upton on Scottish Legal News - considers legal language
Henry Parkes had a vision of a new Australian nation. In 1901, it became a reality by David Lee on The Conversation - a look at Henry Parkes
Jenny Hocking : why my battle for access to the 'Palace letters' should matter to all Australians by Jenny Hocking on The Conversation - considers Hocking v Director-General of the National Archives of Australia [2020] HCA 19
Law in Action (BBC) for 9 June presented by Joshua Rozenberg - Gambling with the law
Law Report (ABC) for 9 June presented by Damien Carrick - George Floyd killer charged with 2nd degree murder. Australian Black Lives Matter protests. And the case of the Hitler meme
Lawyers' uses of history, from Entick v Carrington to Smethurst v Commissioner of Police by Justice Mark Leeming, 2020 Forbes Lecture
Palace letters are Commonwealth records : a victory for democratic transparency by Maria Nawaz on Australian Public Law - considers Hocking v Director-General of the National Archives of Australia [2020] HCA 19