
ACT chief prosecutor asks police to investigate Dyson Heydon - Jane Needham SC in discussion with Fran Kelly on Radio National Breakfast
Australia is failing to meet its basic human rights obligations, report finds by Jennifer Luu on SBS News
Australia urgently needs an independent body to hold powerful judges to account by Gabrielle Appleby on The Conversation
Bottling the smells of the Magna Carta, Iliad and Shakespeare for a whiff of history by Jane Lee and Julie Street for Late Night Live (Radio National)
Court databases may prejudice the innocent ; lawyers and privacy experts fear by Samantha Donovan on PM
Natural justice is a golden rule of investigations. Has it been followed in the Dyson Heydon case? by Kate Eastman on The Guardian
Ten years since Australia got its first female prime minister, how diverse is its parliament? by Vivienne Pearson on SBS News
This is what it's like to be a woman in law. This is why it's time for change by Jane Needham SC on Insight