New judgments

Moodie v R [2020] NSWCCA 160 - "Although the sentencing judge’s failure formally to refer to Whyte is not determinative, it was nevertheless not insignificant, especially when coupled with the fact that neither counsel referred to it in their submissions"
Qaumi, Farhad v R; Qaumi, Mumtaz v R; Qaumi, Jamil v R [2020] NSWCCA 163 - criminal law, ganland violence
R v Sandeson, 2020 NSCA 47 - "it offends society’s sense of fair play and fundamental notions of justice for the state to accept assistance of a professional in the investigation and prosecution of an accused when that professional is currently retained by that accused"
SW v Khaja [2020] NSWCA 128 - motor vehicle accident, passenger falling from moving taxi, central factual contest as to whether she was engaged in joint criminal enterprise of attempted armed robbery of the driver