New judgments

Ajia v TJ & RF Fordham Pty Ltd trading as TRN Group [2020] NSWDC 371 - torts, "duty of care owed to labour hire worker by controller of building site", skylarking, horseplay
CMU16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2020] FCAFC 104 - immigration, alleged apprehended bias
Hughes trading as Beesley and Hughes Lawyers v Hill [2020] FCAFC 126 - human rights, discrimination, sexual harassment
Inacio v Luckose [2020] NSWCATAP 149 - fences and boundaries, definition of "fence"
Milson v Milson [2020] NSWSC 919 - burial rights
Singh bhnf Ambu Kanwar v Lynch [2020] NSWCA 152 - torts, negligence, civil liability, meaning of "recreational activity"