Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Berry v CCL Secure Ltd by Katy Barnett on Opinions on High High Court Blog - considers Berry v CCL Secure Pty Ltd [2020] HCA 27
Can third parties enforce a contract without infringing on the doctrine of privity? by Kim Nguyen of Holding Redlich - considers Clarence City Council v Commonwealth of Australia [2020] FCAFC 134
Law Report (ABC) for 11 August presented by Damien Carrick - Singapore introduces COVID 19 electronic bracelets. And media freedom in Malaysia
The life and legacy of Sir Samuel Griffith remembered by Nathan Church on Parliament of Australia Flag Post - examines the life of Sir Samuel Griffith
What's plainly wrong in Australian law? An empirical analysis of the rule in Farah by Antonia Glover in University of New South Wales Law Journal (Advance) - considers the rule that Australian courts must follow the decisions of appellate courts across Australia unless convinced that those decisions are 'plainly wrong'