Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Beyond the pandemic : new frontiers in Asia-Pacific international dispute resolution at University of Sydney Law School chaired by Prof Luke Nottage - considers the future of international dispute resolution
Law Report (ABC) for 18 August presented by Damien Carrick - Tackling modern slavery
Leave and security for costs for an incarcerated appellant – Mr D v Ms P [2020] NSWCA 174 by Amanda Kmetyk of McCabe Curwood - considers Mr D v Ms P [2020] NSWCA 174
What is a day? High Court delivers landmark decision on personal leave entitlements by Mick MOy, Tim Longwill, Lydia Daly, Amber Sharp, Tom Reaburn and Nicola McMahon of McCullough Robertson - considers Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd v Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union [2020] HCA 29
The Wigs - What fairness demands : the role of the prosecutor under the microscope - considers prosecutorial fairness