New and updated NSW Bills

Awaiting assent
Adoption Legislation Amendment (Integrated Birth Certificates) Bill 2020 - awaiting assent, 17 September 2020
Police Amendment (Promotions) Bill 2020 - awaiting assent, 17 September 2020
In progress
Crimes Amendment (Assault of Emergency Services Workers—3 Strikes Sentencing) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Council, second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 16 September 2020
Crimes Amendment (Zoe's Law) Bill 2019 - in Legislative Council, second reading, debate adjourned, 16 September 2020
Dividing Fences Amendment Bill 2020 - in Legislative Council, second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 16 September 2020
Liquor Amendment (24-hour Economy) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 clear days, 16 September 2020
Public Works and Procurement Amendment (Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Council, second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 16 September 2020
Roads Amendment (Toll-free Period) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting mover's second reading speech, 15 September 2020
Road Transport Amendment (Digital Licensing) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 clear days, 16 September 2020
Sporting Venues Authorities Amendment (Venues NSW) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 clear days, 17 September 2020
Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Sustainability Infrastructure) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting consideration of LC amendments, 15 September 2020
Stronger Communities Legislation Amendment (Courts and Civil) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 clear days, 16 September 2020
Stronger Communities Legislation Amendment (Crimes) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 clear days, 16 September 2020
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 clear days, 16 September 2020
Transport Administration Amendment (Closures of Railway Lines in Northern Rivers) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, awaiting second reading debate, debate adjourned 5 clear days, 16 September 2020
Water Management Amendment (Transparency of Water Rights) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Assembly, second reading debate, debate interrupted, 17 September 2020
Work Health and Safety Amendment (Information Exchange) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Council, second reading, debate adjourned, 15 September 2020
Notice of motion
Local Land Services Amendment (Land Management and Forestry) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Council, notice of motion, 15 September 2020
Restart NSW Fund Amendment (Rural and Regional Infrastructure Funding) Bill 2020 - in Legislative Council, notice of motion, 15 September 2020
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Amendment (Service Providers) Bill 2020 - negatived, 17 September 2020
Restart NSW Amendment (Rural and Regional Infrastructure Funding) Bill 2019 - withdrawn, notice of motion, 15 September 2020