New journals

Adelaide law review, Vol 40(1), 2020 - in this issue : God-like powers : the character test and unfettered ministerial discretion Samuel C Duckett White / Justice at the edge : hearing the sound of silence Kim Economides, Aaron Timoshanko and Leslie S Ferraz / Can parliament deprive the High Court of jurisdiction with respect to matters arising under the Constitution or involving its interpretation? Robert Size / Demystifying CLS : a critical legal studies family tree James Gilchrist Stewart / A critical analysis of practitioners issuing 'not appropriate for family dispute resolution' certificates under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) Joshua Taylor / Speech Acts : is racial vilification a form of racial discrimination? Bill Swannie / Legal obligation and social norms Jonathan Crowe and Lucy Agnew / The future of legal education in the 21st Century Daniel Goldsworthy / How does the area of law predict the prospects of harmonisation? Guzyal Hill / Old enough to know better? Reform options for South Australia's age of criminality laws comment Kershlin Krishna and Sarah Moulds / All is fair in love and remote indigenous communities? ASIC v Kobelt (2019) 368 ALR 1 case notes Henry Materne-Smith / Protecting or neglecting? The case of Public Advocate v C, B (2019) 133 SASR 353 case notes Clare Nolan and Katie Walsh
Australian bar review, Vol 49(1), Sep 2020 - in this issue : Obligations and powers of superannuation trustees concerning situations of actual or possible conflict J C Campbell / Purposive contract interpretation and the High Court Ryan Catterwell / Vulnerability, autonomy and protection: The role of actual and hypothetical contracts in the duty of care to protect against pure economic loss Alexander Jackman / Class action settlements beyond the pleaded case James O'Hara / Constitutional imperatives Joshua Thomson and Madeleine Durand / The medieval law of debt and the interests served by the statutes merchant Samuel Walpole / In the interim : assessing and managing risk when doctors are accused of sexual misconduct Gabrielle Wolf