New journals

Australian law journal, Vol 94(9), September 2020 - in this issue : Current issues Justice François Kunc (ed) Reflecting on recent events, Power, candour and decency in the law Ruth Higgins SC, A letter to the Commonwealth Attorney General, Thinking about judicial independence, The curated page / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) Some rights and liabilities of co-owners Timothy Pilkington, Fraud, the in personam exception and enforcing the undertakings of predecessors Christopher Pearce / Admiralty and maritime Dr Damien J Cremean (ed) Salvage and voluntariness Damien J Cremean / New Zealand Justice Matthew Palmer (ed) Civil justice reform in New Zealand Justice Stephen Kós / International focus Professor Stuart Kaye (ed) International inquiries and fact-finding in international law Stuart Kaye / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) Queensland - Justice Peter Callaghan, Justice Frances Williams, South Australia - Justice Mark Livesey, Tasmania - Senior Counsel appointments, Victoria - Associate Justice Julian Hetyey / What remains of the Engineers Case? A centenary appraisal Nicholas Aroney / The evolution from strict liability to negligence : implications for the tort of private nuisance – part 2 Anthony Gray / Pandemic justice – an historical perspective John Logan