Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Certain sports supplements to be regulated as 'medicines' under the therapeutic goods regulatory regime from November 2020 by Belinda Breakspear and Jake Grant of McCullough Robertson - item on regulatory changes
Data equity at the farm gate : the future of agricultural technologies by Peter Waters and Rebecca Mahoney of Gilbert + Tobin - considers agtech
How should a court respond to an immaterial error of law? by Lisa Burton Crawford on Australian Public Law - considers ABT17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2020] HCA 34
Law Report (ABC) for 27 October presented by Damien Carrick - Landmark Victorian report on image based sexual abuse
The National Cabinet : presidentialised politics, power-sharing and a deficit in transparency by Tamara Tulich, Ben Reilly and Sarah Murray on Australian Public Law - considers the National Cabinet
The history of defamation law : unjumbling a tangled web by The Hon T F Bathurst - defamation law history