Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The dismissal : 45th anniversary by Cathy Madden on Flag Post (Parliamentary Library)
Just Cases Episode 18 : A country divided from Monash university - deals with the Australian Communist Party v Commonwealth ("Communist Party case")(1951) 83 CLR 1
Law Report (ABC) for 10 November presented by Damien Carrick - Trump disputes election loss in court, Australian challenges to COVID-19 restrictions and First Nations art from Victorian prisons
Some issues in enforcement of directors' duties - presented by Justice A Black at Monash University
A sticky situation : SCC grants leave to appeal for Maple Syrup Heist Case in R v Vallières by Grace Shin on The - considers maple syrup and R. c. Vallières, 2017 QCCS 1689 (use Google translate for the English version)
Voice, treaty and truth from the University of New South Wales Indigenous Law Centre - view all of the webinars here