New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 94(11), November 2020 - in this issue : Current issues Justice François Kunc (ed) The view from the academy, Impact of COVID-19 on academia Katy Barnett, Pedantic points R I Barrett AO / Around the nation : Northern Territory Hon Dean Mildren AM RFD QC (ed) Appointment of Sonia Brownhill SC as a judge of the Supreme Court, Restoration of jury trials, Electronic filing, Online publications Dean Mildren / Family law Richard Ingleby (ed) Does a family court judge have power to refer financial proceedings to mediation? Richard Ingleby / Class actions Justice Michael B J Lee (ed) When does a person have a "claim" under s 33C of the Federal Court of Australia Act? Corey Byrne / Statutory interpretation The Hon John Basten (ed) Statutory interpretation and dictionaries John Basten and Rian Terrell / Technology and the law Lyria Bennett Moses and Anna Collyer (eds) Accountability in the age of artificial intelligence : a right to reasons Lyria Bennett Moses and Edward Santow / Engineers : one hundred years old and still going strong : a commentary The Hon Sir Anthony Mason AC KBE GBM QC / The continued legacy of the Engineers Case : a dynamic approach to Federal power Rosalind Dixon and Brendan Lim / Wait[ing] for the heavens to fall : the Engineers Case and intergovernmental immunity Sarah Murray / Money had and received – and retained? The role of retention at notice for personal common law liability Eleanor Makeig / Justifying trade restrictions under s 92 of the Australian Constitution : a comparative law-based proposal for a coherent doctrine Csongor István Nagy
Sydney law review, Volume 42(3), September 2020 - in this issue : The Temporary Refuge Initiative : a close look at Australia's attempt to reshape international refugee law Savitri Taylor and Jodie Boyd / Recognising the sentience of animals in law : a justification and framework for Australian States and Territories Jane Kotzmann / Bargaining in a vacuum? An examination for the proposed class exemption for collective bargaining for small businesses Tess Hardy and Shae McCrystal / Police doorknocking in comparative and constitutional perspective : O'Neill v Roy Julian R Murphy / Burns v Corbett : federal jurisdiction, State tribunals and chapter II courts Callum Christodoulou