New journals

Law Institute journal, Vol 94(12), December 2020 - in this issue : 2020 challenges bring rewards Sam Pandya / Call to firms to push for inclusion in the profession Sam Pandya / Firms target structural blocks to entry Karin Derkley / Embracing diversity Yasin Azra / Levelling the playing field Muluka Said / Year of positive change for court reformer Karin Derkley / Age old problem needs new response Melanie Joosten / State of mind Paul Horvath and Ines Perkovic / Resolving a controversy Tim Marsh / Caught in a custody battle Andrew Paull and Eleanor Toohey / Remote hearings - the new normal? Chirag Patel / A precedent for unprecedented times Radu Catrina / Overzealous control or reasonable and lawful : workplace law in the digital age Tessa Van Duyn / High Court judgments Michelle Sharpe / Federal Court judgments Anthony Lo Surdo SC and Theresa Power / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Michael Taylor / Client documents Ethics Committee / Solicitor as material witness - a duty to the court Michael Dolan and Carly Erwin / How sexual offences are dealt with VLRC / Checklist for COVID-weary lawyers Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Renewing a lease Paul Nunan / Move to e-signing Mark Burrows / NEXL Peter Moran / The benefits of SLEM Simon Crawford and Nussen Ainsworth / No longer unprecedented Leonie Kelleher / Shifting the balance Molina Asthana / No so super Eleanor Weir and Rose Hunt / Its time to eradicate elder abuse Pauline Wright LSJ, Issue 73, December 2020 - in this issue : Cybercrime and mental health greatest threat to small firms Steph Gardiner / Six munites with Rosemary Kayess Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Law Council renews call for Human Rights Act / NSW budget allocates $150 million for courts' digital transformation Kate Allman / New Family and Federal Circuit Court judges announced / Lonely at the top Patricia Drum / At lunch with... Peter Rosier Amy Dale / A profession for the wealthy : the enduring problem of diversity in law Kate Allman / How to build a great law firm culture Sam McKeith / Finding the silver linings Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Lessons learned Linda Gough / The downsides of positivity Angela Tufvesson / The case that changed me - Sarah Dale Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Progress at last, but are we headed for a Claytons Commission? Nicholas Cowdery / The laws of costs : 2020 year in review Michelle Castle and Andrew Bailey / Firefighting or reform? The industrial response to COVID-19 Jack de Flamingh and John Casey / OK Zoomer : the impacts and future of working from home Michael Legg / The Rest climate case settlement : a precedent by any other name? Ilona Millar, Sharon Coutts and Jo Delaney / It's official - paper CTs are set to go. Is your practice prepared? Jen McMillan and Michael Osborne / Purchaser surcharge duty : risk management tips for solicitors Tony Reynolds and Lucy Williams / Failed granny flat arrangements Richard McCullagh and Darryl Browne / Compliance risks : FAQs in the age of the coronavirus Glenda Carry and Frances Moffitt / The latest from the High Court Michelle Sharpe / The latest from the Federal Court Anthony Lo Surdo SC and Theresa Power / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Elder law and succession Darryl Browne