Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Is a Scotch egg a meal? I investigated more than 300 council rulings to find out by Jed Meers on The Conversation - "where is the dividing line between a "table meal" and a mere snack"
Law Report (ABC) for 8 December presented by Damien Carrick - COVID-19 and jury trials
Parliamentary control of public money by William Bateman, Doctoral thesis from University of Cambridge
Recent judgment confirms 10-year limitation period for defective building work in NSW by Marie-Louise Scarf and Rebecca Weakley of Holding Redlich - considers Bandelle Pty Ltd v Sydney Capitol Hotels Pty Ltd [2020] NSWCA 303
Verification of identity – does it always need to be in person? by Eva Vicic of McCullough Robertson - examines verification of identity and e-conveyancing