Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
20 years of Indigenous reconciliation negotiation - Professor Megan Davis on Late Night Live with Phillip Adams
Chief Justice's reflections on 2020 - the Hon T F Bathurst, Supreme Court of New South Wales
First Nations women and girls - Wiyi Yani U Thangani Report (2020) from Australian Human Rights Commission
High Court rules refugees entitled to sue the government for negligence in the Federal Court by Guy Donovan and Divya Chaddha of Holding Redlich - considers Minister for Home Affairs & Ors v DMA18 as litigation guardian for DLZ18 [2020] HCA 43
The law on judicial bias : a primer - background paper from the Australian Law Reform Commission
Law Report (ABC) for 15 December presented by Damien Carrick - Call for regulation of debt repair or credit management companies
Lifting the Bar : female senior counsel in NSW by Vanessa Andersen of Maddocks - profiles six NSW female senior counsel
Skiing in a winter wonderland : a dangerous recreational activity? by Peter Ford of McCabe Curwood - considers Castle v Perisher Blue Pty Limited [2020] NSWSC 1652