Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Fri Feb 05 2021Law Report (ABC) for 2 February presented by Damien Carrick - Can you be sacked if you refuse a COVID-19 vaccine? And is neglecting an overdosed friend a crime?
Litigation revives the strange tragic tale of John West, the founder of modern legal research by Robert Ambrogi on Above the Law - John West was the founder of West Publishing Company
Political crimes and amnesties : scope and limitations to transitions to democracy presented by Renata Barbosa at University of Oxford
Resolving family disputes : the true cost of doggedness by Kylie Wilson and Nicole Treacey of Holding Redlich - considers King & Anor v Fister & Anor [2020] QDC 333
Staying vigilant : a new tool to mitigate against data re-identification risks by Katherine Armytage, Tara Dhanushkoti and Darcy Gilligan of Maddocks - looks at a new CSIRO privacy tool
Tobacco exposure claim goes up in smoke by Anthony Highfield and James McIntyre of HWL Ebsworth – considers Kingshott and Trident LNG Shipping Services [2020] AATA 4848