New judgments

Afchal v Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages [2021] NSWCATAD 24 - "whether a birth record is a 'snapshot' or can change over time to reflect changed circumstances"
Bob Brown Foundation Inc v Commonwealth of Australia [2021] FCAFC 5 - environmental law, species and habitat protection
Chau v Australian Broadcasting Corporation (No 3) [2021] FCA 44 - defamation
Kingdom of Spain v Infrastructure Services Luxembourg S.à.r.l. [2021] FCAFC 3 - private international law
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v Makasa [2021] HCA 1 - immigration, visa cancellation, character grounds
Oakey Coal Action Alliance Inc v New Acland Coal Pty Ltd [2021] HCA 2 - administrative law, apprehended bias, jurisdiction
Westpac Securities Administration Ltd v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2021] HCA 3 - financial services
Zibara v Ultra Management (Sports) Pty Ltd [2021] FCAFC 4 - equity, liability under the second limb of Barnes v Addy