Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Fri Feb 12 2021Critical illness : diagnosis, occurrence and evidence by Diren Fernando of HWL Ebsworth - considers critical illness and trauma benefits
Law Report (ABC) for 9 February presented by Damien Carrick - Queensland's outlaw bikie exit scheme. And international divorce property dispute can be heard in Australia
Litigation revives the strange tragic tale of John West, the founder of modern legal research by Robert Ambrogi on Above the Law - John West was the founder of West Publishing Company
Political crimes and amnesties : scope and limitations to transitions to democracy presented by Renata Barbosa at University of Oxford
Queen's consent on The Guardian - a series of articles on the monarch's influence over legislation
The Queen's gambit — new evidence shows how Her Majesty wields influence on legislation by Anne Twomey on The Conversation - considers the monarch's influence over legislation
Resolving family disputes : the true cost of doggedness by Kylie Wilson and Nicole Treacey of Holding Redlich - considers King & Anor v Fister & Anor [2020] QDC 333
Selden Society lecture series podcast episode 22 : Justice Mary Gaudron presented by The Hon Roslyn Atkinson AO
Silence in court : what is lost - and who gains - when the state bans people from speaking out? - panel discussion from Bath Publishing on the public interest damage that arises when the state restricts free speech in favour of privacy
Staying vigilant : a new tool to mitigate against data re-identification risks by Katherine Armytage, Tara Dhanushkoti and Darcy Gilligan of Maddocks - looks at a new CSIRO privacy tool
Tobacco exposure claim goes up in smoke by Anthony Highfield and James McIntyre of HWL Ebsworth – considers Kingshott and Trident LNG Shipping Services [2020] AATA 4848
When the general becomes personal – Westpac, ASIC and the meaning of personal advice by Luke Hooper, Kim MacKay, Alana Giles, Daniel O'Connor, Tess Simpson, and Michael O'Connor of Holding Redlich - considers Westpac Securities Administration Ltd v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2021] HCA 3