New journals

Alternative law journal, Volume 45(4), 2020 - in this issue : Trailblazing women still needed Margaret Thornton / Criminal justice in an age of austerity : the London Bridge killings David Brown / How section 90 of the Constitution makes cannabis law reform less likely in Australia Patrick Keyzer / Drug policy's past, present and future : where should Australia head now? Kate Seear / What is wellness? The role of human values Jonathan Crowe / Who's watching the 'eyes'? Parliamentary scrutiny of national identity matching laws Sarah Moulds / Policing mandatory bicycle helmet laws in NSW : fair cop or unjust gouge? Russell Hogg and Julia Quilter / Justice Carolyn Simpson and women's changing place in the legal profession : 'yes, you can!' Kcasey McLoughlin and Hannah Stenstrom / The High Court in Pell v the Queen : an 'unreasonable' review of the jury's decision Greg Byrne / Racially derogatory cartoons and racial vilification laws : where to draw the line? Bill Swannie / Embargoes, a queen and the Gurindji Sandy Toussaint / A reflection on the Liberal promise on its 30th birthday Dominique Allen / Genetic testing in sport : considerations for young athletes Marie Hadley and Donna McNamara / Bicycle helmet laws : more harm than good? Robert Corr / Black Lives Matter Kate Auty
Australian bar review, Volume 49(3), December 2020 - in this issue : A secret interview with Sir Garfield Barwick Oliver Jones / Impugning the Crown's prerogative to prorogue — an analysis of R (Miller) v Prime Minister and its application in Australia Daniel Yazdani / Judicial review of decisions not to prosecute Sam Pack / The new penalties doctrine and its application to employment contracts Leigh Howard / Accepting the unacceptable risk : a critical appraisal of the unacceptable risk test in contemporary Australian family law and finding a way forward Rebecca Pierluigi / A flatmate in a sharehouse — A tenancy or a licence to occupy? Paul Latimer
Australian law journal, Volume 95(1), January 2021 - in this issue : Current issues Justice François Kunc (ed) The year ahead, And what is new for 2021?, Nuclear weapons / Admiralty and maritime : Ship construction claims in admiralty Dr Damien J Cremean / Equity and trusts Justice Mark Leeming (ed) Injunctions in criminal law Mark Leeming, Novel remedies for dissipation, absent notional estate D W Marks QC / Three key issues arising out of the Engineers Case : a reply Nicholas Aroney / Unexplained wealth orders in Australia - limits to transparency and responsibility for other people's wealth Paul Latimer / Climate conscious lawyering Hon Justice Brian J Preston SC / Adoption in Australia : past, present and considerations for the future Amy Conley Wright, Betty Luu and Judith Cashmore
Civil justice quarterly, Volume 40(1), 2021 - in this issue : Third party litigation funding in family law cases : Akhmedova v Akhmedov [2020] EWHC 1526 (Fam) Dr David Capper / Disputed debts, winding up petitions, and arbitration: AnAn Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd v VTB Bank (Public Joint Stock Company) [2020] SGCA 33; BWG v BWF [2020] SGCA 36 Shaun Pereira / Names, notice and the demands of due process Tatiana Cutts / Embedding mediation in Scottish civil justice - riding the tide for a cultural shift? Margaret L. Ross / Sir Gavin Lightman (1939-2020) : a tribute to his contribution to ADR development Tony Allen
Criminal law review, Issue 1, 2021 - in this issue : Sentencing children and young people David Ormerod / Exemplary sentencing for terrorist offenders: the Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Bill 2020 Umar Azmeh / The evidential value of electronic communications data in rape and sexual offences cases Philip N.S. Rumney / An evolution in devolution? Welsh criminal justice and the Commission on Justice in Wales Chaynee Hodgetts / Cases and comments - Confiscation : R v Bajaj (Arun), Sentencing : R (on the application of X) v Ealing Youth Court, R v RB, R v Rooney (John Joseph), Statutory powers : Carltona principle : R v Adams (Gerard), Trial : R v Cadamartriea (Colin), Vacation of plea : Wilson v CPS
LSJ, Issue 74, February 2021 - in this issue : ALRC launches probe into judicial bias Kate Allman / Six minutes with Chery Grossman Floyd Alexander-Hunt / A COVID-19 vaccine is coming : how mandatory could it be? Kate Allman / At lunch with... Juliana Warner Kate Allman / Cracking cold cases : is it in our genes? Amy Dale / The most-have legal technology tools for 2021 Sam McKeith / Judgment day : why our tow new High Court justices didn't turn heads Kirrily Schwarz / Rising to the challenge Angela Heise / Case for a country practice Kirrily Schwarz / Losing sleep Angela Tufvesson / The case that changed me - Emma Langton Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Super fund underperformance in the rear-view mirror Scott Donald / Update on recent changes to insolvency law Michelle Castle and Jim Johnson / Strengthening protections for people experiencing sexual and domestic violence Liz Snell / What's new with section 32? Mental health, cognitive impairment and criminal law Jane Sanders / What is a declaration of trust for stamp duty purposes Christopher Bevan / Preliminary agreements and the risk of litigation Emma Griffith and Natalie Polorotoff / Federal Court divided on which 'complaints' give rise to unlawful adverse action Paul Moorhouse / The pros and cons of different types of fee arrangements Michael Legg / Super death benefit claims where there is no binding nomination Darryl Browne and Michelle Dixon / Migration law practitioners to cast off the shackles of dual regulation Frances Moffitt / The latest from the High Court Michelle Sharpe / The latest from the Federal Court Anthony Lo Surdo and Theresa Power / New South Wales Court of Appeal Marcel Fernandes and James Braithwaite / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Elder law and succession Darryl Browne
Law Institute journal, Volume 95(1&2), Jan/Feb 2021 - in this issue : Opportunities emerge from crisis Tania Wolff / How regional lawyers coped with crisis Karin Derkley / The lure of rural practice Rebecca Alexander / Thriving outside the CBD Annamiek Van Loon / Matters of trust Carolyn Ford / Locked down for life Bill O'Shea and Joseph Ibrahim / Business as usual Gabrielle Guthrie and Jody Williams / Best interests of the estate Clare Sunderland / Always was, always will be Lauri Stewart / It's time to consider arbitration in family law matters Debra Foulkes and Khloe Saw / Acting against former clients Ethics Committee / Lawyers and 'alternative facts' Gino Dal Pont / Towards more inclusive juries VLRC / Digital systems the new normal Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Cladding update Harriet Warlow-Shill and Maddison Reznik / Gaps in privacy protection Hana Lee and Stephanie Chong / Holding on to silver linings Fiona McLeay / Family hearings bring better outcomes Karin Derkley / From Footscray to Gove Roger Batrouney
Sydney law review, Volume 42(4), December 2020 - in this issue : Dignity and the Australian Constitution Scott Stephenson / Three recent Royal Commissions : the failure to prevent harms and attributions of organisational liability Penny Crofts / The hidden sexual offence : the (mis)information of fraudulent sex criminalisation in Australian universities Jianlin Chen