Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The Advocacy Podcast Episode 7 hosted by Bibi Badejo : Ian Robertson SC : an expert on expert witnesses
Farewell to the Honourable Bell J - see the transcript here
'Extraordinary' : court hears how claimant won case two years after his death by John Hyde on Law Society Gazette - considers Amirtharaja & Anor v White & Ano [2021] EWHC 330 (Ch)
The High Court and respect for Australian South Sea Islanders by Peter Prince and Eve Lester on Aus Pub Law - examines reckoning with White Australia-era High Court precedents
Human rights don't hinder ministers by Joshua Rozenberg on A Lawyer Writes - considers a UK study on delegated legislation
Indigeneity, race and the Australian Constitution : a response to Professor James Allan's characterisation of the majority decision in Love; Thoms by Harry Hobbs on IACL-AIDC Blog - considers Love v Commonwealth of Australia [2020] HCA 3
Lady Justice Episode 06 : Justice personified by Judith Resnik and Dennis Curtis
Law Report (ABC) for 23 February presented by Damian Carrick - Adventure tourism accidents and legal liability
Mince pies, parliament and peculiar old laws : the enduring popularity of legal myths by Joanna McCunn on the University of Bristol Law School Blog - examines legal myths
To cite or not to cite : is that still a question? by Deborah L Heller in (2020) 112 Law Library Journal 393
Two visions of the international rule of law by Monica Hakimi at University of Oxford
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - Social media de-platforming, The NSW Coercive Control Bill, ICC jurisdiction over occupied Palestinian territories
UK decision on COVID-19 business interruption insurance could suggest success for Australian insureds by Lucy Terracall, David Gerber and Chris Erfurt of Clayton Utz - considers The Financial Conduct Authority (Appellant) v Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd and others [2021] UKSC 1