New journals

Adelaide law review, Volume 41(2), 2020 - in this issue : Australia's commitment to 'Advance the human rights of indigenous peoples around the globe' on the United Nations Human Rights Council Kishaya Delaney, Amy Maguire and Fiona McGaughey / Sentencing to protect the safety of the community Ben Livings / The right to reasons and the courts' supervisory jurisdiction Christopher Chiam / A doctrinal and feminist analysis of the constitutionality of the Australian citizenship revocation laws Matilda Gillis / Is the tail wagging the dog? Finding a place for ADR in pre-action processes : practice and perception Tania Sourdin and Margaret Castles / Regulating the influencers : the evolution of lobbying regulation in Australia Yee-Fui Ng / Reflections on Paddy Ireland on companies Frank Carrigan / The resignation of the third Indian Law Commission : who makes law? Gail Pearson / Transgender and intersex athletes, professional sport and the duty to ensure worker health and safety : challenges and opportunities Eric L Windholz / The final bail review Martin Hinton / In these uncertain times : (a lack of) oversight of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) Lauren Fletcher / Heartbeat in the High Court : Love v Commonwealth (2020) 375 ALR 597 Flyn Wells / After the 'hurly-burly has dimmed outside' : misleading and deceptive corflutes in Garbett v Liu (2019) 375 ALR 117 Christina Devetzidis / 'A witness of truth' : the Court of Appeal's cardinal sin in Pell v the Queen (2020) 376 ALR 478 Samuel Beer and Charlotte Burchart
Cambridge law journal, Volume 79(3), November 2020 - in this issue : Distributed ledgers, artificial intelligence and the purpose of the corporation Christopher M Bruner / Juvenile informers : is it appropriate to use children as covert human intelligence sources? Alisdair A Gillespie / Compensation for business tenants : mischief and malady Michael Haley / Another civilian view of unjust enrichment's structural debate Pablo Letelier / Moral innocence and the criminal law : non-mala actions and non-culpable agents Re'em Segev / The principle of legality Jason N E Varuhas / Corporate liability for breaches of international law abroad : Canadian Supreme Court opens the door but questions remain Andrew Sanger / The consequences of nullities Tom Hickman / Regulatory construction, discrimination and the common law Michael Foran / Consent in rape : fact, not law Richard Buxton / Nuisance, planning and human rights : throwing away the emergency parachute David Howarth / Pseudo-codification of the public-interest defence in defamation Jonathan Morgan / Mohamud explained and re-understanding "close connection" in vicarious liability Emily Gordon / By their fruits shall ye know them David Campbell and Roger Halson / Counterfactual arguments in unjust enrichment Niamh Connolly / Reflective loss in the UK Supreme Court Stephen Laing / Land registration, adverse possession and the nature of a registered title Martin Dixon / Data protection, the value of privacy and compensable damage Vaclav Janecek / Bear raids and market manipulation : muddying the waters? J S Liptrap and Anna L Christie / Restrictions by object under EU competition law Mark Friend / Jurisdiction in insurance matters and the "weaker party" Joshua Folkard
Law Institute journal, Volume 95(3), March 2021 - in this issue : Mental health matters Tania Wolff / New Attorney-General, new legal year Karin Derkley / Dual regulation system to end for migration layers Karin Derkley / Cautious approach to office return Karin Derkley / The consequences of Kraft v Bega : unregistered trademarks and legal ramifications Susan Gatford and Alan Ford / Virtual arbitrations - into the future? Alexander Crisp / The benefits of a listed competitor Greg Tucker / The dimensions of justice Samuel Woff and Joseph Xuerer / Visa refusal : it's in the interpretation Olivia Ho / Duty to the court Ethics Committee / Terminating a retainer Carly Erwin / Land tax adjustments aren't standard Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Land purchasers need clarity Tony Greenaway and Paul Snow / Cyber criminals double down Hadyn Corbett / 2020 a shotgun wedding Genevieve Lakey / Luminance diligence Peter Moran / Report finds abuse of power Lisa Grealy / Lessons learned from 2020 Olivia Lilly and Shaniya Vilash / Advancing the profession Jacoba Brasch QC / Lost literary treasures untapped Carolyn Ford / The path to succession
LSJ, Issue 75, March 2021 - in this issue : Law Society joins calls to criminalise coercive control Amy Dale / Six minutes with Helen Campbell Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Government v Google Amy Dale / At lunch with Lovemore Ndou Kate Allman / A country practice - Piers Blomfield / Justice in arms : the legal fallout of the Brereton Report Kate Allman / Disaster plan : how lawyers can act faster and respond better Kirrily Schwarz / Great expectations, deflated outcomes Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Make the office great again Amy Dale / Striking the right note Kirrily Schwarz / E-cigarettes : helpful or harmful? Angela Tufvesson / The case that changed me : Hayley Aldrich and Maithri Panagoda AM Floyd Alexander-Hunt / An introduction to the new Personal Injury Commission Judge Gerrard Phillips / The delicate balancing act that is industrial relations reform Jack de Flamingh and John Casey / Human rights in 2021 : key considerations for Australian businesses Abigail Gill, Dr Phoebe Wynn-Pope and Kate Gill-Herdman / Nobody knows everything : taxes and the administration of deceased estates Jim Main / Limitation periods : simple? Not always Jennifer O'Brien / Time to review your insurance contracts : the unfair contract terms regime is on its way Ray Giblett, Matt Ellis and Timothy Chan / Decision-making in uncertain times : pandemics, planning and climate change Ballanda Sack, Timothy Allen and Amelia Smillie / Recent liquor liceing reforms in NSW Kenneth Yardy / Defamation and reform of the statutory defence of contextual truth Jeremy Harrison / The latest from the High Court Dr Michelle Sharpe / The latest from the Federal Court Anthony Lo Surdo SC and Theresa Power / New South Wales Court of Appeal Bridie Nolan and Kylie Day / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Family law Craig Nicol and Keleigh Robinson / Elder law and succession Darryl Browne
Public law, January 2021 - in this issue : Judicial review during the COVID-19 pandemic Joe Tomlinson / Devolution and COVID-19 : towards a "new normal" in the territorial constitution? Gareth P Evans / The COVID-19 contact tracing app in England and "experimental proportionality" Marion Oswald / "Easing" duties and making dignity difficult: COVID-19 and the Care Act 2014 Brian Sloan / A tale of two doctrines : re-evaluating bifurcation in substantive review before the Supreme Court Tim Sayer and C R G Murray / Reimagining public procurement law : proposals for post-Brexit reform Sue Arrowsmith / Testing the limits of the common law right to trial by jury : a critical analysis of Re Hutchings Richard Martin and Karl Laird / The challenges of multi-layered governance and the fight for same sex marriage in Bermuda and the Caribbean Overseas Territories Derek O'Brien and Rhian Minty / Data governance in the cloud : of scarce regulatory resources and tactical delegated enforcement Asma Vranaki / Legislative approaches to recognising the vulnerability of young people and preventing their criminalisation Nicola Wake, Raymond Arthur, Thomas Crofts and Sara Lambert / Australia : the correspondence between the Queen and the Australian Governor-General during the 1975 dismissal of the Whitlam Government Anne Twomey