Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Breaking down biodiversity banking : part one by Louise Camenzuli, Anna White and Samantha Yeung of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - examines biodiversity banking (aka biobanking), a conservation and land management scheme in which biodiversity is measured and commodified
Competing class actions : first in (is still) not best dressed by Richard Harris, Rebecca Spigelman and Dominic Eberl of Gilbert + Tobin - considers Wigmans v AMP Limited [2021] HCA 7
Courts, confidences and change in challenging circumstances by Justice Banks-Smith of the Federal Court of Australia, delivered at the Quayside Chambers Oration, Perth Concert Hall on 4 March 2021
The divided decision in Love v Commonwealth – an analysis of Justice Gageler's and Justice Edelman's approaches to constitutional interpretation by Mikaela Smith on Aus Pub Law - considers Love v Commonwealth of Australia [2020] HCA 3
High Court confirms the nuclear effect of a finding of apprehended bias by Madhuri Pillai of Higgins Chambers - considers Oakey Coal Action Alliance Inc v New Acland Coal Pty Ltd [2021] HCA 2
Judicial impartiality seminar stimulates important discussions on Australian Law Reform Commission - view seminar
Law Report (ABC) for 16 March presented by Damien Carrick - Politicians suing for defamation and research on re-offending by forensic patients
Law talking, Episode 6 - The three C'S - Lucas Shipway and Declan Byrne provide a summary of their upcoming CPD on class actions in construction law and Ian Roberts and Richard Sergi discuss the Greenway Cycle Club and the benefits of cycling with Frank Hicks
Love v Commonwealth and a voice to parliament by Megan Davis and Dylan Lino at the Annual Constitutional Law Conference, G+T Centre of Public Law, 12 February 2021
Misconceptions about sexual assault perpetuate injustice by Professor Rita Shackel of Sydney Law School - the author discusses her research on misunderstandings surrounding sexual assault, and justice for victims and survivors
PIC's first published decision : Worker and PIAWE by Karl Maakasa of McCabe Curwood - considers Sarcia v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (iCare) [2021] NSWPIC 1
Rule of law by Lord Bingham