New procedures in the library

The recent announcement of the easing of COVID-19 restrictions will result in a few changes in the library.
Please note the following :
- You must still register on entry to the library. Members may register with their Bar Library e-card (if you don't have your e-card please email, others via the QR code at the library entrance. PLEASE BRING YOUR PHONE.
- Please sanitise your hands on arrival and departure. It is recommended that you wear a mask.
- Please bring your own pens, pencils, paper, post-it notes and other stationery. We cannot provide these items to you.
- Please scan material with your phone. Use photocopiers as a last resort and wipe down before and after use.
- Please wipe down the chair, desk, terminal keyboard and mouse before and after use.
- Only one person at a time is permitted in the stacks. Please leave books used in the library but not borrowed, in the trolley near the library exit. The librarians will re-shelve these items.
- Loans will continue to be done at the self-service kiosk. You will need your Bar Library e-card. The loan period is 14 days but items must be returned immediately if requested by the librarians after three days of the loan period.
- Please leave returned books in the trolley at the library entrance. It is no longer necessary to quarantine books; they will be returned on the system once a day.
- Any items with a reservation will then be placed on the click and collect trolley for collection.
- Items available on the shelves will not be put aside for collection. You must collect these items from the shelf an borrow at the kiosk.
- You MUST use your library e-card at the self-checkout terminal to borrow items.