Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Achieving gender parity in the justice sector by Justice Susan Glazebrook, Supreme Court of New Zealand at the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
Battling the rising tide of online hate by Rebecca Dune and Peter Waters of Gilbert + Tobin - considers the Alan Turing Institute's recently released report on online hate (the report is here)
Challenges to the rule of law in modern society by The Hon T F Bathurst AC at the District Court of New South Wales Annual Conference 2021
How international is the International Court of Justice? presented by James T Gathii at University of Oxford - examines the International Court of Justice
Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, 29 March 2021, Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Act 2018 - Professor Anne Twomey's evidence, to a committee of the Commonwealth Parliament, on constitutional aspects of regulating foreign donations to election campaigns
Law Report (ABC) for 6 April presented by Damien Carrick - Full decriminalisation of sex work on the cards in Victoria
A roadmap for respect : preventing and addressing sexual harassment in Australian workplaces - from Australian Government, responding to all 55 of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s recommendations outlined in the Respect@Work report
Update on corporations law by Justice Ashley Black at the New South Wales Bar Association Conference 13 March 2021
WHS - a roundup of the latest authorities CPD presented by Ingmar Taylor SC, Malcolm Scott and Joseph Simpson of Greenway Chambers - a roundup of the latest work health and safety authorities