New judgments

Baba v Sheehan [2021] NSWCA 58 - "there is serious doubt" as to whether a power to appoint a new trustee is a power that is fiduciary in nature
DVO16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2021] HCA 12 - immigration, refugees
Estate Rofe [2021] NSWSC 257 - contested probate, suspicious circumstances, undue influence, "will of testator of doubtful testamentary capacity overborne by incessant demands of interested person"
Namoa v The Queen [2021] HCA 13 - criminal law, "whether meaning of "conspires" and "conspiracy" in s 11.5 of Criminal Code incorporates any common law rule that spouses alone cannot conspire"
Steepe v The Commonwealth of Australia [2021] NSWSC 368 - Steepe issued a series of invoices in 2020 after the air force didn't comply with her notices for them to "cease and desist" flying fighter jets over her property, the court dismissed her attempts to get the invoices paid
Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft v ACCC [2021] FCAFC 49 - appeal against penalties dismissed