The Library Bulletin


Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts

Fri Apr 23 2021

Conceptions of judicial impartiality in theory and practice - background paper produced by the Australian Law Reform Commission as part of its Review of Judicial Impartiality

How competent is Scotland's parliament? That's now a question for the Supremes to decide by Joshua Rozenberg on A Lawyer Writes - the UK Supreme Court has been asked to decide whether two bills passed by the Scottish parliament go beyond its legislative competence

The human right that benefits nature by Katarina Zimmer on BBC - "more than 100 constitutions across the world have adopted a human right to a healthy environment"

Implications of Brexit and COVID-19 for UK law presented by Lord Sales, Justice of the UK Supreme Court at the New Zealand Senior Courts Judges' Conference

Law Report (ABC) for 20 April presented by Damien Carrick - Court rules couples can conspire and how brain implants might transform criminal law

Native Title compensation – Lawson v Minister for Environment and Water (SA) ("Lake Victoria case") by Liam Davis and Dominic McGann of McCullough Robertson - considers Lawson v Minister for Environment and Water (SA) [2021] NSWCA 6

Open justice – seen to be done - The Hon. Justice Stephen Hall, Piddington Society – Fremantle Conference

Overcoming adversity - speech given by His Honour Judge Glen Cash QC at the District Court Judges Conference, Brisbane

Owner-occupiers beware : NSW security of payment Act now applies by Sandra Steele, Georgia Mills and Tom Perry of K&L Gates - contractors under owner-occupier residential construction projects will now be entitled to make claims for payment under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW)

Possession of land to give effect to contract of sale for unpaid rates and charges by Joshua Wyner of 13 Wentworth Chambers - considers Armidale Regional Council v Vorhauer (No 2) [2020] NSWSC 56

Seeing the new administrative law in a 'green light' by Lynsey Blayden on Aus Pub Law - considers whether Australian administrative law is still fit for purpose

What are non-fungible tokens? by Richard Howlett on infolaw - non-fungible tokens are part of the Ethereum blockchain (Ethereum is a cryptocurrency), but as well as supporting the market value of the currency, they've been designed to store their own totally unique digital information

What factors influence police and court bail decisions? by Ilya Klauzner and Steve Yeong in Crime and Justice Bulletin - examines the relative importance of defendant and case characteristics in bail decisions


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