New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 95(4), April 2021 - in this issue : Current issues Justice François Kunc (ed) Family court merger becomes a reality, Australia at the UN Human Rights Council, A federal judicial commission, Choice of counsel a fundamental matter, The end of the Cardinal Pell media saga, A turn up for the books?, Anzac lawyers, Remembering the Hon Mr Justice Russell Le Gay Brereton Paul Brereton AM RFD / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) The limits of expert's participation in a leasing dispute W D Duncan / Constitutional law Anne Twomey (ed) Who is responsible for quarantine under the constitution? Anne Twomey / From Middle East battlefields to the war crimes tribunals in Borneo : the war letters of the Hon Justice Russell Le Gay Brereton, 1940–1946 Tony Cunneen / Glory without power : the nationhood power and commonwealth spending on sport Daniel Goldsworthy / The power of national uniform legislation : what is its rate of proliferation and what factors are driving it? Guzyal Hill and John Garrick / The King v Smail Golden Jubilee : the failure of the High Court to develop and clarify the law of the Torrens volunteer is no cause for jubilation M M Park and Serene Ho
Public law, April 2021 - in this issue : Exposure to coronavirus in adult social care settings : a matter of safety or safeguarding? Alison Tarrant and Lydia Hayes / The Manx emergency of 2020 : dealing with a global pandemic as a small island democracy Peter W Edge / Stamping out COVID-19 in New Zealand : legal pragmatism and democratic legitimacy Dean R Knight / "All I can do is ask" : COVID-19, lockdowns without law, and constitutionalism in Japan James C Fisher / Comparative constitutional and administrative law in Hong Kong: in search of coherence Thomas K Y Yeon and TRevor T W Wan / Can Hong Kong remain a liberal enclave within China? Analysis of the Hong Kong National Security Law Cora Chan / Unionism in the courts? A critique of the Act of Union Bill Gregory Davies and Daniel Wincott / Judicial discretion and the declaration of incompatibility: constitutional considerations in controversial cases Elizabeth Adams / Appellate standard of review in public law cases Paul Daly / The resilience of executive dominance in Westminster systems : Ireland 2016-2019 David Kenny and Conor Casey / Proscription by proxy : the banning of foreign groups Ahmed Almutawa and Clive Walker
University of New South Wales law journal, Volume 44(1), 2021 - in this issue : The 2018 Australian High Court constitutional term : placing the court in its inter-institutional context Gabrielle Appleby / 'Corporate culture' is the 'new black' – its possibilities and limits as a regulatory mechanism for corporations and financial institutions Vicky Comino / Social entrapment evidence : understanding its role in self-defence cases involving intimate partner violence Heather Douglas, Stella Tarrant and Julia Tolmie / The Australian government's use of the military in an emergency and the constitution Anthony Gray / Trade mark law's identity crisis (part 1) Michael Handler / Regulating financial advisers in the UK : lessons for Australia Weiping He and Han-Wei Liu / Legal challenges to ICU triage decisions in the COVID-19 pandemic : how effectively does the law regulate bedside rationing decisions in Australia? Eliana Close, Simon Young, Tina Cockburn, Lindy Willmott and Ben P White / COVID-19 and sites of confinement : public health, disposable lives and legal accountability in immigration detention and aged care Sara Dehm, Claire Loughnan and Linda Steele / Refugee protection in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond : the capacity and limits of international law Michelle Foster, Hélène Lambert and Jane McAdam / The courts, the remote hearing and the pandemic : from action to reflection Michael Legg and Anthony Song / Pandemics, punishment, and public health : COVID-19 and criminal law in Australia Joseph Lelliott, Andreas Schloenhardt and Ruby Ioannou / Australian residential tenancies law in the COVID-19 pandemic : considerations of housing and property rights Chris Martin / Wars, pandemics and emergencies : what can history tell us about executive power and surveillance in times of crisis? Yee-Fui Ng and Stephen Gray