
AGL takes Greenpeace to court over use of its logo in 'biggest climate polluter' campaign by Lisa Cox on The Guardian
Campus free speech law in England 'likely to have opposite effect' by Richard Adams on The Guardian
Federal Court overturns ruling state logger breached environmental laws by Emma Field on ABC News
Kids are taking governments to court over climate. And they are starting to win by Ivana Kottasová on CNN
New law allows Australian government to indefinitely detain refugees by Ben Doherty on The Guardian
New York's highest court will hear Happy the elephant's case by Gabrielle Fonrouge on New York Post
Part of the legal challenge to the India travel ban has been comprehensively defeated — here's why by Anne Twomey on The Conversation
Telstra fined $50 million over unconscionable treatment of Indigenous phone plan customers by Amy Bainbridge and Leonie Thorne on ABC News
Tintin heirs lose legal battle over artist's Edward Hopper mashups by Alison Flood on The Guardian
UK unveils law to fine social media firms which fail to remove online abuse by Michael Holden on IT News
Welcome step for welfare as new UK law to formally recognise animal sentience by Eleanor Jones on Horse and Hound