Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Courts of dignity : replacing punishment with compassion by Meaghan Winter on Psychotherapy Networker - considers integration of trauma-informed care into the justice system, therapeutic justice relies on treating an individual's underlying mental health conditions, rather than simply doling out punishment
Gertie's Law Podcast from the Supreme Court of Victoria - Defamation
The Kerr Report's vision for the Administrative Review Council and the (sad) modern reality by Narelle Beford on Aus Pub Law - examines whether Australian administrative law is still fit for purpose
Law Report (ABC) for 18 May presented by Damian Carrick - Improving the justice system for sexual assault survivors
The pernicious habit on Strictly obiter - looks at law reporting and the citation of cases
The role of prime minister from Gladstone to Johnson on Black's History Week - Professor Jeremy Black and Graham Stewart discuss how the role of prime minister has evolved from the tenure of William Ewart Gladstone to Boris Johnson
Will the real trustee please stand up? The standing of beneficiaries to remove trustees of discretionary trusts by Andrew Lacey of McCabe Curwood - considers In the matter of Reserve Hotels Pty Limited [2021] NSWSC 376