Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Extraterritorial human rights obligations between a rock and a hard place - diverging jurisprudence at the ECtHR and the UN by Lea Raible at University of Oxford
Gertie's Law - Barry from the Supreme Court of Victoria - looks at Sir Redmond Barry, best known for sentencing Ned Kelly to death
Law Report (ABC) for 25 May presented by Damien Carrick - Victoria's Yoo-rrook Justice Commission and new research on Magistrate stress levels
Legal history : the point of it all by Paul J du Plessis in Edinburgh student law review, Volume 4(2) p 1 - discusses the importance of legal history
The relationship between the Royal prerogative and statute in Australia by Peta Stephenson in Melbourne University law review, Vol 44(3) (advance copy) - analyses the 'displacement principle' with respect to prerogative power and how it interacts with statutory interpretation principles
Will social media send you bonkers? by Dianne Banks and Peter Waters of Gilbert + Tobin - considers the impact of social media on mental health