New judgments

Hazell v Sewell [2021] FCAFC 76 - Live Performance Award 2010 applied to a DJ who plays/performs at private functions
R v Holmes (No 7) [2021] NSWSC 570 - rejects earlier authority on the interpretation of NSW legislation about entitlement to a reduction in sentence for an offer to plead guilty to an alternative offence
Re. A Costs Appellant Carer (a pseudonym) v The Secretary, Department of Communities and Justice [2021] NSWDC 197 - exceptional circumstances
Sharma by her litigation representative Sister Marie Brigid Arthur v Minister for the Environment [2021] FCA 560 - "whether the Minister for the Environment owes Australian children a duty of care when approving under s 130 and s 133 of the EPBC Act the extraction of coal from a coal mine – risk of injury from climate change"
Sidoti v Hardy [2021] NSWCA 105 - "adverse possession of small portion of a 'dunny lane'", appeal dismissed