New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 95(5), May 2021 - in this issue : Current issues Justice François Kunc (ed) The rule of law, Coercive control François Kunc and Eloise Mack / Around the nation : Tasmania Justice Stephen Estcourt AM (ed) Hobart's Supreme Court buildings Stephen Estcourt / Family law Richard Ingleby (ed) Section 114AB : semantics and chaos Richard Ingleby / Human rights Simon Rice (ed) Major UN review of Australia's human rights record Hugh de Kretser / New Zealand Justice Matthew Palmer (ed) End of life choice : coming to New Zealand by the road less travelled Andrew Geddis and Sarah Jocelyn / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins SC (ed) / Estoppel and enforcement of international arbitration awards Richard Garnett / Defamation : serious harm and contextual truth James O'Hara / Towards a coherent sentencing jurisprudence for animal cruelty offences Gabrielle Wolf , Mirko Bagaric and Jane Kotzmann
LSJ, Issue 78, June 2021 - in this issue : Federal Budget will fund more Family Court judges, improve services for domestic violence Kate Allman / Six minutes with Emma Maple-Brown Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Making waves : how a surfing competition sparked a campaign for equal pay laws in sport Kate Allman / At breakfast with... Olivia Irvine Floyd Alexander-Hunt / A country practice - Daniel Haig / Leadership 2021 Kate Allman / Joyfully redundant Angela Heise / The case that changes me - Jamie Nettleton Floyd Alexander-Hunt / Australian citizenship : lessons from the India travel ban Dr Sangeetha Pillai / Australian law in the freezer : 60 years of the Antarctic Treaty Donald R Rothwell / The ship that keeps on Given : legal implications of the Suez Canal debacle Alexis Cahalan / The pitfalls of residential put options Diane Skapinker / End-to-end accountability in the construction of NSW residential apartment buildings Angus Abadee / Who gets the file notes? Supreme Court provides new guidance Michelle Castle / A triumph for residents of retirement villages Laina Chan / How law firms can mitigate the risk of cyber attacks Alex Haslam and Tony Reynolds / Timing is everything : end of financial year considerations Jim Main / Transitioning back to the office : rights and responsibilities Kevin Yee and Katrina Emmerick / The latest from the High Court Dr Michelle Sharpe / The latest from the Federal Court Anthony Lo Surdo SC and Theresa Power / New South Wales COurt of Appeal James Braithwaite and Kylie Day / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Family law Craig Nicol and Keleigh Robinson / Elder law and succession Darryl Browne
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 27(5), October 2020 - in this issue : The immolation of an Indian bus driver in Brisbane, Australia : delusional disorder, not a 'hate crime' - In the matter of Anthony O'Donohue [2018] QMHC 8, Dalton J Russ Scott / 'Rape myths' and a 'reasonable belief' of consent R v Lazarus [2017] NSWCCA 279 Joseph Briggs and Russ Scott / Differential effects of direct and cross examination on mock jurors' perceptions and memory in cases of child sexual abuse Alma P Olaguez and J Zoe Klemfuss / Investigative interviewing of youth with ADHD – recommendations for detective training Kimberley J Cunial, Leanne M Casey, Clare Bell and Mark R Kebbell / When sexting conflicts with child sexual abuse material : the legal and social consequences for children Dominique Moritz and Larissa S Christensen / Obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder and the criminal law Ian Freckelton (QC) / Unfit offenders in NSW : paying the price for gaps in service provision Kerri Eagle, Todd Davis and Andrew Ellis / The effects of the justice system on mental health Miguel Clemente and Dolores Padilla-Racero / The relations between deception, narcissism and self-assessed lie- and truth-related abilities Eitan Elaad, Shani Ben Hanania, Shachar Mazor and Liza Zvi / Mental health inquiries in the case of homicide Lillian Ng, Sally Merry, Ron Paterson and Alan F Merry / Rater experience and the predictive validity of psychopathy checklist : youth version scores Hyemin Jeon, Marcus T Boccaccini, Eunkyung Jo, Hyejin Jang and Daniel C Murrie