Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Design and Building Practitioners Act presented by Ian Roberts SC, Frank Hicks SC, Declan Byrne and Faheem Anwar of Greenway Chambers - supporting documents for The Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020 (NSW) – the regulations and how to plead a claim for breach of the statutory duty under Part 4
EIP Talks Episode 1 - Joshua Rozenberg and Gary Moss discuss the Supreme Court decision in Unwired Planet v Huawei and its implications for licensing of Standard Essential Patents
The family provision jurisdiction : an outline of themes and practical considerations by Justice Geoff Lindsay, Equity Division, Supreme Court of NSW
How to make a law for consent on the 7am Podcast - Bri Lee and Mark Speakman discuss consent law reform
Law in Action (BBC) for 8 June presented by Joshua Rozenberg - Traumatic brain injury and crime
Law Report (ABC) for 8 June presented by Damien Carrick - Vaccine passports and global snapshot of LGBTQI discrimination
Ep. 7 Law Talking - latest news and regulations - from Frank Hicks, Ian Roberts, Declan Byrne and Faheem Anwar of Greenway Chambers
"Literature makes better lawyers" - 'East West street' by Professor Philippe Sands on Lawctopus Law School Book Club
Mabo Oration 2021 - Professor Megan Davis, Balnaves Chair in Constitutional Law
Proposed amendments to NSW privacy laws released for comment by Ooma Khurana, Harriet Royle and Elizabeth Reed of Maddocks - considers the draft Privacy and Personal Information Protection Amendment Bill 2021 (NSW)
Why Indigenous knowledge should be an essential part of how we govern the world's oceans by Meg Parsons and Lara Taylor on The Conversation - considers governance and management models for dealing with the world's oceans