Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
"A court should be wary" – Zhang v Commissioner of Police [2021] HCA 16 by Belinda Baker on Aus Pub Law - considers Zhang v Commissioner of Police [2021] HCA 16
Discover the history and legacy of one of the world's most celebrated documents - page on the British Library on the Magna Carta
Frustrating event? Hotel property and business assets fall $1 million in value due to COVID-19 pandemic by Chiara Rawlins of McCabe Curwood - considers Dyco Hotels Pty Ltd v Laundy Hotels (Quarry) Pty Ltd [2021] NSWSC 504
Gertie's Law podcast from the SUpreme COurt of Victoria - Terrorism - part 1 and Terrorism - part 2
The 'gig economy' – case updates and the changing landscape by Heinz Lepahe, Thea Price and Anna Stubbersfield of HWL Ebsworth - considers the gig economy, including the decision in Diego Franco v Deliveroo Australia Pty Ltd [2021] FWC 2818
Law Report (ABC) for 15 June presented by Damien Carrick - Crime and Justice in the Torres Strait and Cape York's Licensing Muster program
MZAPC : calibrating constitutional limits on legislative power by Emily Hammond on Aus Pub Law - considers MZAPC v Minister for Immigration & Border Protection [2021] HCA 17
The prerogative and the courts in Australia by Anne Twomey on Journal of Commonwealth Law - considers the fairness of the procedure for the exercise of a prerogative and review of the merits of its exercise
The Uluru statement is not a vague idea of 'being heard' but deliberate structural reform by Gabrielle Appleby on The Conversation - considers the Uluru Statement from the Heart
'Waiting to stab me' : new research reveals the threats and daily trauma judges face in their jobs by Kevin O'Sullivan on The Conversation - considers research from the University of New South Wales
Why does truth come third? by Kate Fullagar on Inside Story - "the awarding of the Sydney Peace Prize to the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a reminder of the challenges it raises for historians"