Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Court confirms there is no power to amend a modification application once filed by Philip Brown, Danielle Le Breton, and Alex Epstein of HWL Ebsworth - considers AQC Dartbrook Management Pty Ltd v Minister for Planning and Public Spaces [2021] NSWCA 112
Defining ecocide – an interview with Christina Voigt by Justine Batura on Völkerrechtsblog - examines the definition of ecocide
If the plaintiff at trial is found not to be credible, does that negate from the plaintiff's right to damages? by Peter Ford of McCabe Curwood - considers Hoblos v Alexakis [2021] NSWCA 126
Judicial review of administrative action : between grand theory and muddling through by Mark Aronson in (2021) 28 Australian Journal of Administrative Law (forthcoming) - "It is a truth worth universal acknowledgment that the scholar in search for a meta-theory of judicial review of administrative action is in need of a life."
Law Report (ABC) for 13 July presented by Damian Carrick - Climate change litigation
Removal of judges from office by Geoffrey Nettle AC QC in (2021) 45(1) Melbourne University Law Review (advance) - considers s 72(ii) of the Constitution
The state of the art in contemporary administrative law by Paul Daly in (2021) 28 Australian Journal of Administrative Law (forthcoming) - "Hanging on the every word of the High Court of Australia may in some areas be a barrier to understanding"