Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The Australian merger review law reforms : our deeper dive into the practical implications and frequently asked questions by Felicity Lee, Elizabeth Avery, Haidee Leung, Kate Blocksidge and Neeharika Maddula of Gilbert and Tobin
Australia's privacy reforms are about to arrive! Five significant things to keep an eye out for by Cheng Lim, Bryony Evans, Michael Swinson, Kirsten Bowe and Patrick Gunning of King and Wood Mallesons
Global litigation and upholding justice : pursuit of a principled approach to recognition of foreign judgments in transnational litigation, Justice Gordon, Singapore Academy of Law Journal
Introductory remarks on the occasion of the 11th John Lehane Memorial Lecture, Justice Leeming - "Contractual interpretation : an Anglo/Australian journey" by The Rt Hon Lord Hamblen
The law of contract and the Land of Lost Content by Warren Swain, University of Auckland
Law Report (ABC) for 3 September guest presented by Kristina Kukolja - Investigating war crimes in the Israel-Gaza conflict
Rational decisions can lower compensation: NSW Court of Appeal upholds impact of owner choices in compulsory acquisitions by Tom White and Alex Beale of Lander and Rogers
Remedies in intellectual property law in Australia post-Redbubble, Justice Downes, Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand annual conference