Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The best of both worlds? How Australia's unique democracy evolved by James Walter on The Conversation
Certainty and flexibility in the law, Lord Sales at Aston University
Faces of the rule of law by Jeremy Waldron on SSRN
Full Court decides the future of Voluntary Disclosure Agreements : they do not always "waive" goodbye to privilege by Peta Stevenson, Tamara Hunter, Amanda Engels, Chloe Moore and Rob Hirst of King and Wood Mallesons
Is there a "unjust enrichment disaster" in Australia? by Sagi Peari and Luke Bennett on SSRN
Judging readability : a study of opinions by apex-court judges from Australia, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States by Mike Madden on SSRN
Judgment writing : get smartJudicialCollegeVictoria.pdf ""), Justice Beech-Jones, Judicial College of Victoria program : The Art of Judgment Writing
Law Report (ABC) for 18 February presented by Damien Carrick - High Court rules judges can't be sued for damages; Legal rights and wrongs of lookalike products
The liability of statutory authorities for tortsPrivateLawandtheState101.pdf ""), Justice Edelman AC in Andrew Robertson and Jason W Neyers (eds), Private Law and the State (Hart, 2024) 101
Present and future challenges to the rule of law and for the legal profession, Chief Justice Bell, Opening of Law Term Dinner Address 2025
Should you be allowed to sue a judge? The High Court says no by Stephen Parker on The Conversation
The terms they are a changin' - the Federal Court approves a groundbreaking life insurance transfer by Philip Hopley of Hall and Wilcox