The Library Bulletin


New judgments

Thu May 24 2018

Lardis v Lakis [2018] NSWCA 113 - "intent to defraud creditors"

Optus Mobile Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation Limited [2018] FCA 745 - misleading or deceptive conduct

R v AC [2018] NSWDC 127 - "repeated failure by the Crown to comply with notice requirements for Tendency Notices"

Sader v Langham [2018] NSWSC 727 - easements

Wahba v Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers [2018] NSWDC 128 - professional negligence

Zistis v Zistis [2018] NSWSC 722 - "whether NCAT exercises judicial power when determining matters under the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (NSW)"

Interesting articles and podcasts

Fri May 18 2018

Casualty update – obvious risk, dangerous recreational activity and waivers by Jason Stevens and Tristan Devaris of HWL Ebsworth - considers Goode v Angland [2017] NSWCA 311 and obvious risk

Corrs High Vis : Episode 25 – Early contractor involvement by Andrew McCormack of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - vodcast on early contractor involvement

Death threats, or threats of violence by Tyson Brown of Armstrong Legal - examines threatening harm

Electric vehicles in NSW by Tom Gotsis of Parliament of New South Wales - examines benefits and concerns related to electric vehicles

Law Pod UK Episode 32 : The right to be forgotten - considers NT 1 & NT 2 v Google LLC [2018] EWHC 799 (QB) and the right to be forgotten

Law Report (ABC) for 15 May presented by Damien Carrick -Inside the jury room part two : juror stress

‘Loot boxes’: a new form of gambling? by Jennifer Huby and Ben Cameron of HWL Ebsworth - examines loot boxes in online gaming, loot boxes are virtual containers with random contents

Supporting statements - a fork in the road? by Ian Roberts of Greenway Chambers - examines Central Projects Pty Ltd v Davidson [2018] NSWSC 523, which dealt with the requirements of sections 13(7) and (8) of the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) which relate to supporting statements

Whose fault is it anyway? Bettergrow v Transgrid and the problem of assigning liability when subcontractors are involved by Brendan Bateman, Nick Thomas and Cecile Bester of Clayton Utz - considers Bettergrow Pty Limited v NSW Electricity Networks Operations Pty Ltd as trustee for NSW Electricity Networks Operations Trust t/as TransGrid (No 2) [2018] NSWSC 514

Excluded : the impact of section 44 on Australian democracy

Fri May 18 2018

On 17 May the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters has released a report called Excluded which dealt with the impact of section 44 of the Constitution on Australian democracy, the committee recommended that the government hold a referendum to repeal s 44 and 45 of the Constitution or insert "until the parliament otherwise provides". But, the government has suggested that it may not implement the findings, see Citizenship inquiry to recommend referendum, which Turnbull rejects.

New books

Fri May 18 2018

New journals

Fri May 18 2018

Federal law review, Volume 46(1), 2018 - in this issue : Sir Robert Garran : medio tutissmus ibis Stephen Gageler / Unfair dismissal law and temporary migrant labour in Australia Joanna Howe, Laurie Berg and Bassina Farbenblum / Reasoning with the foundation of rules Duncan Wallace / 'The research says...' : perceptions on the use of social science research in the family law system Zoe Rathus / Liberal assumptions in section 116 cases and implications for religious freedom Alex Deagon / The survival of reasonableness review : confirming the boundaries Swati Jhaveri

New and updated NSW Bills

Fri May 18 2018

Coal Industry Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 16 May

Defend TAFE Bill 2017 - introduced in Legislative Council, 17 May

Electoral Funding Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly 17 May, awaiting second reading debate

Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly 16 May, awaiting second reading debate

Health Legislation Amendment Bill (No 2) 2018 - introduced in Legislative Council, 16 May

National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 16 May

Public Health Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2018 - introduced in Legislative Council, 17 May

Road Transport and Other Legislation Amendment (Digital Driver Licences and Photo Cards) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly 16 May, awaiting second reading debate

Road Transport Legislation Miscellaneous Amendments Bill 2018 - introduced in Legislative Council, 16 May

Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 16 May

New law reports

Thu May 17 2018

New South Wales law reports, Vol 95(2), May 2018 - in this issue : Shade Systems Pty Ltd v Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd (No 2) / Rinehart v Welker / In the Matter of Infinite Plus Pty Ltd / Kamm v State of New South Wales (No 4) / X v Twitter, Inc

New judgments

Wed May 16 2018

CRI026 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 19 - refugees, "complementary protection", "freedom of movement", "internal flight alternative", "non-refoulement", "reasonable relocation", "subsidiary protection", "well-founded fear of persecution"

DWN027 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 20 - refugees, "best interests of children"

EMP144 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 21 - refugees, "complementary protection", "country information", "reasonable internal relocation", "well-founded fear of persecution"

Inner West Council v Prilis [2018] NSWLEC 72 - environmental offences, use of land without consent

Knight v Simmons [2018] NSWLEC 1231 - whether a tree had caused damage, Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006 (NSW)

Leather chairs free to a good home

Mon May 14 2018

The library is replacing its white leather chairs. They are in various states of repair. If you would like one or two, please come and collect from the library next week.

New UCPR amendments

Fri May 11 2018

Uniform Civil Procedure (Amendment No 85) Rule 2018 (NSW) - the rule amends "the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 following Damm v Coastwide Site Services Pty Ltd [2017] NSWSC 1361, to clarify that the court must be satisfied that all relevant parties to the proceedings have been notified before giving a consent judgment or ordering that such a judgment be entered

Uniform Civil Procedure (Amendment No 86) Rule 2018 (NSW)### Your title here... - the rule amends the "Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005: (a) to allow a person, pursuant to a right of subrogation or the terms of a contract of insurance, to make an affidavit or verify any matter by affidavit, on behalf of a party to proceedings, and (b) to require an affidavit in support of an application for a garnishee order to only identify debts that are, or are reasonably likely to be, owed by a garnishee to a judgment debtor, and include the grounds relied on in support of identifying those debts"

New journals

Fri May 11 2018

Alternative law journal, Vol 43(1), 2018 - in this issue : Australia at the Human Rights Council Paul Lynch / The politics of difference : posting my 'vote' on marriage equality Odette Mazel / Public sector employees and the freedom of political communication Anthony Gray / What's in a name? The language of workplace bullying Allison Ballard and Patricia Easteal / Justice for temporary migrant workers : lessons from the '7-Eleven cases' Justin Pen / Roadside drug testing : incoherent policy or uncertainty by design? Aidan Ricketts / Beyond the Vexatious Proceedings Act : Victoria's unfinished business Clare van Balen / Epistemic injustice on Palm Island Jack Maxwell / Violence risk assessment and Indigenous Australians : a primer Stephane Shepherd / The self-represented litigants' challenge : a case study James Goh / Supreme indifference : the new Alice Springs/Mparntwe Supreme Court building Pip McManus / Human rights for conservation : a rights-based approach to fisheries governance Gina Zheng / Freedom of speech and the public sector Robert Corr / Girlie does senate motions and fair access to dunnies Lou Loo, Eileen Onya and Gladys Kanbee / UK parliamentary inquiry turned verbatim musical : a theatre review Sean Mulcahy

Australian law journal and Australian law journal reports, Vol 92(2), February 2018 - in this issue : Current issues : Increasing the minimum age of criminal responsibility, Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, ALRC Inquiry into Third Party Litigation Funding in Class Action, New Commonwealth Attorney-General, Excessive costs and inappropriate correspondence : again, Hate speech law reform abandoned in NSW, OPCAT ratified, Modern slavery law reform Francois Kunc / Conveyancing and property : The nature and approach to relief for proprietary estoppel : NcNab v Graham [2017] VSCA 352 Tim Pilkington, Leases : The certainty of duration requirement Brendan Edgeworth / Statutory interpretation : Constructional choice Gordon Brysland and Suna Rizalar / The legal observer : Some original thoughts from our newest High Court judge Michael Pelly / Family law : The reference to the Australian Law Reform Commission : a second plebiscite or the rise of Michael Rimmer? Richard Ingleby / Recent cases : Industrial relations : Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - entitlement of industrial association to represent industrial interests of persons - Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (Cth) : Regional Express Holdings Ltd v Australian Federation of Air Pilots (2017) 92 ALJR 134; [2017] HCA 55 Ruth C A Higgins, Migration : protection visas - judicial review of credibility assessment - whether rational, logical or probative basis for tribunal findings : DAO16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCAFC 2 Douglas McDonald-Norman, United States : certiorari - application for stay of preliminary injunctions - executive policies concerning entry of foreign nationals into country : Donald T Trump v International Refugee Assistance Project 582 US 2017 Ruth C A Higgins / Security for costs in unfunded federal class actions : back to the future Vince Morabito and Naomi Hatcher / The unresolved problem of expert evidence Thomas Kearney / Reports : Hughes v The Queen [2017] HCA 20 Adam Weir, Esso Australia Pty Ltd v Australian Workers' Union; Australian Workers' Union v Esso Australia Pty Ltd [2017] HCA 54 Colleen Tognetti, Regional Express Holdings Ltd v Australian Federation of Air Pilots [2017] HCA 55 Claire Tuckerman, DWN042 v Republic of Nauru [2017] HCA 56 John Carroll

Law Institute journal, Vol 92(5), May 2018 - in this issue : Courts at a turning point Karin Derkley / Reputation in the digital era Christien Corns / Justice John Champion Belinda Wilson / Values and preferences for future medical treatment Bill O'Shea and Rebecca Park / A breach of trust Michael Wise / Informal wills Philip Barton / A wellness KPI : implications for Australian law Andrew Clarke / Highly serious Michael Lombard and Giorgina McCormack / More power to the people Victorian Law Reform Commission / Post mortem risk management Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Honest and reasonable Russell Cocks / New type of 'junior work' Fabian Horton / Everyone's a winner Jessica Andreacchio / That should be illegal Julianna Marshall / Choose referees wisely Thomas Hobbs / The power of sentences Carolyn Ford

New journals

Fri May 04 2018

Law Society journal, Issue 44, May 2018 - in this issue : ALRC report shows indigenous incarceration rates only getting worse Kate Allman / Innovative Harlem court model could offer solutions for NSW Kate Allman / A stroke of luck Carolyn Simpson / E-books and other digital products Benjamin Hayward / When is an eggplant [emoji] not an eggplant [emoji]? Kate Allman / The coalface of a refugee crisis Michelle Sanson / Radical pland for a hostile environment Julie McCrossin / Why humility is a skill worth developing Peter Agnew / A day in the life of... Annabelle Bennett AO SC Jane Southward / In harmony Diane Nazaroff / Fitness and career skills? It's possible Kate Allman / The case that changed me (Shopfront Legal Centre's Jane Sanders) Jane Southward / 2018 Timor Sea Treaty : a new dawn in relations between Australia and Timor-Leste? Donald R Rothwell / Emails : danger, handle with care Simone Herbert-Lowe / Preparing your clients for the GDPR privacy reforms Anna Johnston / 'Insane delusion' and testamentary capacity : Carr v Homersham Talitha Fishburn / Alphabet soup : CFMEU emerges as Australia's first 'super union' Jack De Flamingh and James McLean / To sue or not to sue? That is the question Michelle Castle and Andrew Bailey / An 'unacceptable risk' - post sentence detention under the new Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act Natalie Marsic / Slander of title : neighbour held responsible for damage Kye Tran-Tsai and Michael Devitt

Proctor, Issue 38(4), May 2018 - in this issue : Mental health : the onus on employers Rolf Moses / Genealogical witch-hunts and the 'Citizenship 7' : Re Canavan and Others [2017] HCA 45 James Stokes and Gim del Villar / The incarceration equation : ALRC report seeks reductions in Indigenous remand population Sallie McLean / The proper approach to winding up : Asia Pacific Joint Mining Pty Ltd v Allways Resources Holdings Pty Ltd [2018] QCA 048 Hamish Clift / Technology for government : Queensland's new ICT contracting framework Adam Hall / Getting beyond 'the principle' in negotiations Bevan Hughes / Out with the trash! ACCC acts on unfair contract terms Luke McKavanagh / Be clear as to grounds to terminate a retainer Stafford Shepherd / Simple tips for a successful secondment Aron Gibbs / Legal professional privilege : why and when communications are protected Kylie Downes and Susan Forder / Wills, capacity and life events Cristine Smyth / Artificial intelligence and legal liability : what happens when AI goes wrong? Benjamin Teng / 'Hidden' $600K debt derails orders Robert Glade-Wright / Are you flexible, or chaotic? A practice idea that might make a big difference Peter Lynch

New judgments

Fri May 04 2018

Adath Yisroel Burial Society & Anor, R (On the Application of) v HM Senior Coroner for Inner North London [2018] EWHC 969 (Admin) - the court ruled that the Senior Coroner for Inner North London acted unlawfully in adopting a policy that resulted in Jewish and Muslim burial delays

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Telstra Corporation Ltd [2018] FCA 57 - Telstra order to pay $10 Million penalty for misleading conduct in relation to its premium direct billing service

Beeche v Smith Street Investments Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 544 - restricted premises and meaning of the word "demoralising"

Cardy, Tamica v Local Trades Specialists Group Pty Ltd [2018] FWC 2034 - genuine redundancy and unfair dismissal

Commonwealth v Reid [2018] FCA 579 - fabrication of VET qualifications

Desane Properties Pty Limited v State of New South Wales [2018] NSWSC 553 - WestConnex and compulsory acqusition, the court ruled the attempted acquisition "improper"

Warner Bros Feature Productions Pty Ltd v Kennedy Miller Mitchell Films Pty Ltd [2018] NSWCA 81 - the appeal court held that Warner Bros is entitled to undertake court proceedings in California

New law reports

Thu May 03 2018

Federal Court reports, Vol 252(2), April 2018 - in this issue : Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union / Dillon v RBS Group (Australia) Pty Ltd / Fuller v Alford / Kimberley Diamonds Ltd v Arnautovic / Shaw v Yarranova Pty Ltd