New journals

Alternative law journal, Vol 43(1), 2018 - in this issue : Australia at the Human Rights Council Paul Lynch / The politics of difference : posting my 'vote' on marriage equality Odette Mazel / Public sector employees and the freedom of political communication Anthony Gray / What's in a name? The language of workplace bullying Allison Ballard and Patricia Easteal / Justice for temporary migrant workers : lessons from the '7-Eleven cases' Justin Pen / Roadside drug testing : incoherent policy or uncertainty by design? Aidan Ricketts / Beyond the Vexatious Proceedings Act : Victoria's unfinished business Clare van Balen / Epistemic injustice on Palm Island Jack Maxwell / Violence risk assessment and Indigenous Australians : a primer Stephane Shepherd / The self-represented litigants' challenge : a case study James Goh / Supreme indifference : the new Alice Springs/Mparntwe Supreme Court building Pip McManus / Human rights for conservation : a rights-based approach to fisheries governance Gina Zheng / Freedom of speech and the public sector Robert Corr / Girlie does senate motions and fair access to dunnies Lou Loo, Eileen Onya and Gladys Kanbee / UK parliamentary inquiry turned verbatim musical : a theatre review Sean Mulcahy
Australian law journal and Australian law journal reports, Vol 92(2), February 2018 - in this issue : Current issues : Increasing the minimum age of criminal responsibility, Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, ALRC Inquiry into Third Party Litigation Funding in Class Action, New Commonwealth Attorney-General, Excessive costs and inappropriate correspondence : again, Hate speech law reform abandoned in NSW, OPCAT ratified, Modern slavery law reform Francois Kunc / Conveyancing and property : The nature and approach to relief for proprietary estoppel : NcNab v Graham [2017] VSCA 352 Tim Pilkington, Leases : The certainty of duration requirement Brendan Edgeworth / Statutory interpretation : Constructional choice Gordon Brysland and Suna Rizalar / The legal observer : Some original thoughts from our newest High Court judge Michael Pelly / Family law : The reference to the Australian Law Reform Commission : a second plebiscite or the rise of Michael Rimmer? Richard Ingleby / Recent cases : Industrial relations : Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - entitlement of industrial association to represent industrial interests of persons - Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (Cth) : Regional Express Holdings Ltd v Australian Federation of Air Pilots (2017) 92 ALJR 134; [2017] HCA 55 Ruth C A Higgins, Migration : protection visas - judicial review of credibility assessment - whether rational, logical or probative basis for tribunal findings : DAO16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCAFC 2 Douglas McDonald-Norman, United States : certiorari - application for stay of preliminary injunctions - executive policies concerning entry of foreign nationals into country : Donald T Trump v International Refugee Assistance Project 582 US 2017 Ruth C A Higgins / Security for costs in unfunded federal class actions : back to the future Vince Morabito and Naomi Hatcher / The unresolved problem of expert evidence Thomas Kearney / Reports : Hughes v The Queen [2017] HCA 20 Adam Weir, Esso Australia Pty Ltd v Australian Workers' Union; Australian Workers' Union v Esso Australia Pty Ltd [2017] HCA 54 Colleen Tognetti, Regional Express Holdings Ltd v Australian Federation of Air Pilots [2017] HCA 55 Claire Tuckerman, DWN042 v Republic of Nauru [2017] HCA 56 John Carroll
Law Institute journal, Vol 92(5), May 2018 - in this issue : Courts at a turning point Karin Derkley / Reputation in the digital era Christien Corns / Justice John Champion Belinda Wilson / Values and preferences for future medical treatment Bill O'Shea and Rebecca Park / A breach of trust Michael Wise / Informal wills Philip Barton / A wellness KPI : implications for Australian law Andrew Clarke / Highly serious Michael Lombard and Giorgina McCormack / More power to the people Victorian Law Reform Commission / Post mortem risk management Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Honest and reasonable Russell Cocks / New type of 'junior work' Fabian Horton / Everyone's a winner Jessica Andreacchio / That should be illegal Julianna Marshall / Choose referees wisely Thomas Hobbs / The power of sentences Carolyn Ford