New books
The Australian class action : a 30-year perspective / Michael Legg and James Metzger (eds)
Australian design law and practice / Tyrone Berger
Company directors : principles of law and corporate governance (2nd ed) / Ian M. Ramsay
Damages for breach of contract (2nd ed) / Katy Barnett
Digital assets and probate : a practitioner's guide / James Normington
Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms (13th ed) / Neil Andrews
The law of the sea (4th ed) / Robin Churchill, Vaughan Lowe, Amy Sander and Iain Scobbie
Lindley and Banks on partnership (21st ed) / Roderick I'Anson Banks
Stephens on contractual indemnities / Richard Stephens
Tudor on charities (11th ed) / William Henderson, Jonathan Fowles and Gregor Hogan
Vicarious liability in the common law world / Paula Giliker (ed)