Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Accessorial liability under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by Chiara Rawlins of McCabes
Eradicating modern slavery in Australia by Freya Dinshaw and Professor Susan Kneebone in Pursuit
Issue of Australian yearbook of international law in honour of Judge James Crawford available on open access here
The landing of the first federal discrimination positive duty : what does this mean for the legal profession? by Somali Cerise and Prabha Nandagopal on Australian Public Law
Law Pod UK Episode 176 - Significant cases of 2022
Law Report (ABC) for 7 February presented by Damien Carrick - Victoria commits to overhauling strict bail laws
Mansfield, Burrow, and the reformulation of the legal decision, Simon Stern, forthcoming in Melissa Ganz, ed., British Law and Literature in the Long Eighteenth Century (Cambridge UP)
A mixed bag for liquidators in High Court decisions on claims of unfair preference or other voidable transactions from Clayton Utz
Reforming Australia's federal environmental laws by Mark Beaufoy, Claire Rogers, Guy Dwyer and Vanessa Sporne of King and Wood Mallesons
Schrödinger's defendants : inquests, unlawful killing and criminal acquittals by Matthew Hill on UK Human Rights Law Blog
Space law update : One person's space junk is another's treasure – who is legally responsible for damage caused by space debris? by Luke Dale, Nikki Macor Heath and Jock Young of HWL Ebsworth
The state of the New South Wales judicature 200 years on from the Bigge Report, Honourable A S Bell, Opening of Law Term Dinner Address 2023 - Law Society of New South Wales
Voice versus rights : the First Nations Voice and the Australian Constitutional legitimacy crisis by Gabrielle J. Appleby, Ron Levy and Helen Whalan, University of New South Wales Law Journal, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2023
Who is perpetrating domestic, sexual and family violence? by Michael Flood, Chay Brown, Kirsti Mills and Lula Dembele on The Conversation