Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Be careful what you wish for : how and when to plead a breach of the statutory duty of care or a defence to the claim under the DBP Act 2020 by Richard Cheney SC and Garth Campbell of Greenway Chambers
Case note – High Court confirms that "peak indebtedness rule" is not part of Australian law by Carmen Boothman of HWL Ebsworth
Decolonising copyright by Jade Kouletakis, CIPIL Evening Seminar
Does the AFCA have jurisdiction to decide your financial dispute? Guidance from the decision in AgriWealth Capital Limited v Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited [2022] FCA 1336 by Susan Forrest of Gadens
Game, set, match : tips for helping Counsel both in and out of Court and how to prepare your witness to give evidence without coaching by Faheem Anwar and Brienna Anderson of Greenway Chambers
Law Report (ABC) for 14 February presented by Damien Carrick - Visa cancellations and deportation
Presumption of advancement – lessons from a recent NSW Court of Appeal decision by Greg Wrobel and Kim Nguyen of Holding Redlich
Privacy Act review report : highlights and hot takes by Melissa Fai, Andrew Hii and Claire Harris of Gilbert + Tobin
Privacy-enhancing technologies and their role in privacy compliance by Lisa Fitzgerald, Robert Neely, Keely O'Dowd and Rebeccah Richards of Lander and Rogers
Sentencing Explained podcast presented by the Hon Peter McClellan AM KC - Ep. 10 Youth justice and sentencing with Children's Court President Ellen Skinner
Statutory duty of care applies to all buildings - NSW Court of Appeal confirms by Andrew Hales, Maciej Getta and Luke Sundercombe of Minter Ellison
Tackling the challenge of legislative complexity by William Isdale and Nicholas Simoes da Silva on Australian Public Law
Unraveling the international law of colonialism : lessons from Australia and the United States by Robert J. Miller and Harry Hobbs on SSRN
Worth a thousand words? Videos and the implied freedom of political communication in Farm Transparency v NSW by Henry Palmerlee on Australian Public Law