New judgments

Casey v DePuy International Ltd (Appeal from Independent Counsel) [2023] FCA 254 - scope of jurisdiction that can be conferred on the Federal Court by a settlement agreement
Chisak v Presot [2022] NSWCA 100 - succession, family provision, grandparents
Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union v OS MCAP Pty Ltd [2023] FCAFC 51 - rostering workers on public holidays
Darwall and Darwall v Dartmoor National Park Authority [2023] EWHC 35 (Ch) - wild camping on Dartmoor
Ihemeje v R [2023] NSWCCA 72 - "The regrettable fact in the present matter is that a person signed the indictment who was not authorised to do so. There is no statutory provision to overcome that irregularity. The conviction must be quashed."
Lusty (Examiner) v DER22 [2023] FCA 255 - consideration of principles relevant to fixing sentences for contempt
Tey v State of New South Wales; Altakrity v State of New South Wales [2023] NSWSC 266 - "To the extent that s 31 requires that not only Acts but also instruments be construed in accordance with its precept, it may itself need to be read down to comply with the Wotton principle"
Western Sydney University v Thiab [2023] NSWCA 57 - discrimination on the basis of political affiliations, views or beliefs