Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Court of Appeal considers the limitation period for personal injury actions by Peter Bennett of Holman Webb
Default Rules in the common law : substantive Rules and precedent, Lord Sales, Presentation at International Workshop on Default Rules in Private Law
Double Jeopardy podcast with Ken MacDonald and Tim Owen - Episode 25 : Joshua Rozenberg - reporting the law
George Williams – the whacky world of micronations on Conversations with Richard Fidler
GPT-4 : the arrival of multimodal AI and its broader implications by Lisa Fitzgerald, Edward Lyons and Milo Goldacre of Lander and Rogers
Insolvent contractors in New South Wales may be able to pursue debts through the Security of Payment Act regime by Matthew Taylor of Gadens
Law in Action (BBC) for 28 March presented by Joshua Rozenberg - The legacy of the Good Friday Agreement
Law Report (ABC) for 5 April presented by Damien Carrick - WA bikies convicted for displaying club tattoos
'On classic ground' : Martin's monument and civilizational yearnings in colonial New South Wales, Honourable A S Bell, The Fifth Sir James Martin Oration
'So help me God'? Does oath swearing in courtroom scenarios impact trial outcomes? by Ryan T. McKay, Will Gervais and Colin J. Davis in British journal of psychology, 2023;00:1–24