New judgments

Armstrong v Assatryan & Ors [2023] VCC 7 - chocolate, defamation
Fay Evans v John Lewis PLC & Anor [2023] EWHC 766 (IPEC) - "The dragon is a creature of myth, dating back to ancient times and found in cultures across the world."
R v Hamdach [2023] NSWSC 298 - "recent decision of the High Court of Australia in Mitchell v R clarifies the common law of Australia While the decision was made in the context of the South Australian statutory form of constructive murder, it is apparent to me that it clarifies the common law..."
Tauranga City Council v Fraser [2023] NZHC 723 - "The District Court Judge erred in his appreciation of the defence of complete absence of fault. The Judge blamed the victim instead of focusing on whether the dog owner could have taken steps to avoid the attack."